Registration is closed!
Can I attend?
If you are an MIT undergraduate or you are an MIT M.Eng student or you are a college undergraduate AND you are at least 18 years old, then yes!
How does registration work?
Registration is now closed! We will have very limited walk-on availability on the morning of September 14th. Otherwise, look out for HackMIT 2020 registration in July!
Round 1 deadline: July 7, 11:59pm EDT
Round 2 deadline: July 14, 11:59pm EDT
Round 3 deadline: July 21, 11:59pm EDT
Round 4 deadline: July 28, 11:59pm EDT
If you’re accepted, you will have a week to confirm your attendance.
What are tracks?
This year, HackMIT is all about hacking for a reason! To help focus your ideation process, we’ve developed eight tracks, or impact areas, for you to hack in. Sponsors will be awarding prizes within each of the tracks. We can’t wait to see what problems you tackle with your project!
How will tracks work?
Upon confirmation, you will select a track to hack in. In order to be considered for HackMIT prizes, you will have to submit to a specific track (although you’re welcome to submit to challenges in multiple tracks).
Where’s the schedule?
We’ll release a more detailed schedule in August. For now, know that we’re planning for check-in to start Saturday at 8am and for closing ceremony to end Sunday at 4pm.
Does this cost money?
Nope! Admission is free and includes meals, drinks, snacks, overnight hosting, workshops, swag, and a memorable experience!
What will I eat?
We’ll provide food for all meals from Saturday’s breakfast to Sunday’s lunch. If you have dietary restrictions, we’ll try our best to accommodate them. Of course, we’ll also have an abundance of snacks throughout the hacking period.
Where will I sleep?
Hacking all night is fun, but you can also get some rest when you need it! If you indicate in your confirmation form and you live outside the Boston area, we can match you with an MIT student who will provide places to sleep and shower. 😴😴😴
How do I get there?
If you’re travelling more than 30 miles to MIT, we’ll reimburse your travel, as long as you upload your travel receipts upon confirming your attendance and submit a project before judging at the event. We reimburse up to $200 for all travel (domestic and international). We also provide buses free of charge to select East Coast cities. See your registration dashboard for the latest details about reimbursements and busing!
What should I bring?
Bring a valid student ID and government-issued ID for admission and a laptop for hacking. We’ll provide pretty much everything else—air mattresses, toiletries, stickers, snacks, sponsor swag, and more! If you like to be comfy, you can bring a blanket, pillow, and towel.
How do teams work?
Teams are at most 4 people. You can select teammates when you register, or you can register individually without specified teammates. We’ll admit by teams, so rest assured you’ll be able to hack with your friends!
What if I don’t have a team?
If you don’t have a team now, that’s okay! We’ll have team formation and ideation events geared towards helping you find people to work with.
What if I’m an MIT student?
If you’re an MIT freshman, you must register by July 26th and confirm by August 4th to be guaranteed a spot at HackMIT. All other MIT students will need to submit applications. Otherwise, you can try for walk-on admission the day of the event. Please keep in mind that open spots will be very limited on the day-of.
What about hardware hacks?
We’ll provide some hardware such as Arduinos and Raspberry Pis—the usual hacker essentials and more. Let us know what you’d like to hack on in our registration form.
Is there an admissions puzzle again?
echo -ne 'h4cking ## (10%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ### (20%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ##### (33%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ####### (40%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ########## (50%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ############# (66%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ##################### (99%)\r';
sleep 0.3;
echo -ne 'h4cking ####################### (100%)\r';
echo -ne '\n';
echo 'aGFja2luZyBjb21wbGV0ZSA+On0gSksgdGhlIHB1enpsZSBpcyBoZXJlOiBnYXVudGxldC5oYWNrdmVuZ2Vycy5kZXY=' | base64 --decode;
echo -ne '\n'; echo
> /dev/null; echo '4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paQ4paI4paI4paI4paI4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSACuKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWhOKWhOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWhOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgArilIDilIDilIDilIDiloTilojilojiloDiloDilIDilIDilIDilIDilpDilojilojilojilpDilojilojilojilojiloTilIDilIDilIDilIAK4pSA4pSA4paE4paI4paI4paA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paI4paI4paI4paM4paQ4paI4paI4pSA4paA4paI4paI4paE4pSA4pSACuKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKWiOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWiOKWiOKWjOKUgArilIDilojilojilozilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilojilojilojilozilIDilpDilojilojilIDilIDilIDilpDilojilojilIAK4paQ4paI4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paQ4paI4paI4paI4pSA4pSA4paQ4paI4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paI4paI4paMCuKWiOKWiOKWjOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWjOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiArilojilojilozilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilpDilojilojilojilIDilIDilIDilpDilojilojilIDilIDilIDilIDilpDilojilogK4paI4paI4paM4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paI4paI4paI4paM4pSA4pSA4paE4pSA4paA4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paQ4paI4paICuKWiOKWiOKWjOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWhOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiArilojilojilozilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilojilojilojilojilojilojilojilojilojiloDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilpDilojilogK4paQ4paI4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paQ4paI4paI4paM4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paA4pSA4paE4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paI4paI4paMCuKUgOKWiOKWiOKWjOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWiOKWiOKWiOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWhOKWiOKWiOKWiOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKUgArilIDilpDilojilojiloTilIDilIDilpDilojilojilozilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDiloTilojilojilozilIAK4pSA4pSA4paA4paI4paI4paI4pSA4paI4paI4paI4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4pSA4paE4paE4paI4paI4paI4paA4pSA4pSACuKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKWkOKWiOKWiOKWjOKUgOKWgOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWiOKWgOKWgOKUgOKUgOKUgOKUgArilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilojilojilojilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIDilIAK' | base64 --decode; echo $
What if I have more questions?
Please email us at [email protected] if you’re in any way confused or concerned! We’d love to help you out :)